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'Your local church with good news for you'

From the Bible, the book of James...

"There is one, who we can call Father who gives us every good thing we have..."James 1:17

"God says that we have so many problems because we want what we don't have, that causes fights and quarrels. We don't even do the good things we know we should... That means we are far, far from God and His ways."James 4: 1-2, 17

"Yet God has spoken to us, and told us what is true about Him and about us...He wants us to listen to what He says in the Bible because it can save us from our hopeless, Godless lives"James 1: 13, 21

"God then wants His followers to care for each other and not treat people differently just because they have nicer clothes or better houses."James 2: 3-5